TaTEDO yahamasisha matumizi ya jiko linalotumia joto kupikia badala ya moto kulinda mazingira.

  • Category: News
  • Published: Sunday, 13 November 2022 05:30
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 776


TAASISI ya Kuendeleza Huduma za Nishati Endelevu na Uhifadhi wa Mazingira Tanzania  (TaTEDO) imehamasisha matumizi ya kupikia joto badala ya moto ili kulinda mazingira na kupunguza athari za kiafya.

TaTEDO ambalo ni Shirika lisilo la kiserikali lenye malengo ya kuboresha maisha ya watanzania kwa kuchangia upatikanaji wa nishati endelevu zilizoboreshwa ,kutengeneza ajira na ongezeko la kipato ili kupambana na umasikini limekuwa likipambana kuisaidia serikali katika kufanya tafiti ili kuwa na teknolojia iliyo rafiki kwa utunzaji wa mazingira.

Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari jijini Dar es Salaam Novemba 10,2022,Mkururugenzi wa TaTEDO  Estomih Sawe amesema kuwa utafiti uliofanyika unaonesha kuwa Dar es Salaam inatumia zaidi ya asilimia 60 ya mkaa wote unaozalishwa nchini ambapo miaka michache iliyopita zaidi ya tani milioni mbili za mkaa ulitumika.

“Tani Milioni moja inatumika hapa Dar es Salaam ,na hapa Dar es Salaam ni eneo ambalo karibu watu wote wana umeme,gesi na nishati zingine zote lakini bado wanatumia mkaa kwa wingi hivyo sisi tuliona umuhimu wa kuwa na teknolojia ya jiko linalotumia nishati kidogo sana ya umeme kuliko kutumia gesi,mkaa katika matumizi ya kupikia kwa haraka.

Sawe ametoa sababu zinazowafanya watu kutumia zaidi nishati ya mkaa kuwa  inatokana na mila na tamaduni ikiwemo kutokufahamu mbadala wa kutumia mkaa na kuni katika matumizi ya kupikia.

“Kwa changamoto hizo tunahitaji kuwahamasisha wananchi na kuwaelimisha ili wafahamu kwamba kuna nishati safi ambazo unaweza kutumia badala ya mkaa na ukapika chakula kwa bei nafuu,haraka na kwa usalama.

“Tunataka kuwakikishia kuwa lazima tuhamie teknolojia nyingine ya kupikia joto badala ya moto na natoa wito kwa Serikali na wananchi tushirikiane kuhusu kujua umuhimu wa kuwa na nishati mbadala katika kupikia na  upo uwezekano wa kupika kwa kutumia joto badala ya moto kwa ufanisi mkubwa na usiharibu mazingira.”amesema Sawe

Hata hivyo Sawe amefafanua kuwa ni muhimu kwa watanzania kutumia vifaa vinavyotengenezwa na teknolojia isiyoharibu mazingira kwa kuwa Tanzania itakuwa na umeme wa ziada mwingi baada ya kukamilika bwawa la Nyerere hivyo ni lazima watumie umeme huo kwa matumizi ya kupikia kupikia majiko waliyoyasanifu ambayo wanaweza kuyatumia kwa haraka na kuwahi shughuli zake zingine.

Akizungumzia kuhusu nishati safi ya kupikia,Meneja Nishati kutoka TaTEDO Mary Swai amesema wao waliamua kubuni jiko la kisasa linaloweza kupika chakula chochote ikiwemo Kande,Maharagwe,Kunde,Ugali,Nyama na vyakula vingine ambavyo hutumia gharama kubwa hadi vinapoiva kwa kutumia gharama kidogo ili kulinda mazingira na afya za watanzania.

“Hili jiko yaani Pressure cooker ni jiko,sufuria na ni nishati ya kutumika nyumbani isiyo na moshi wala kuharibu mazingira unatumia umeme kidogo kuliko ungetumia mkaa na gesi,hivyo tunawashauri wananchi wote kutumia jiko hilo la kisasa ili kupunguza gharama za matumizi ya nishati chafu kama mkaa na zingine.

“Lakini pia sisi tuna teknolojia kwa ajili ya wakulima inayoweza kukausha mazao bila kupoteza uwezo wake hivyo majiko haya ni salama kwa yeyote anayetumia kwa kuwa hujizima pindi tu muda wake uliowekwa ili kuivisha chakula hicho unapofika mwisho.

“Mfano umeweka dakika 30 ili kuivisha maharagwe au nyama au chakula kingine,pindi dakika hizo ulizoweka zikifikia basi jiko hujizima lenyewe lakini kikubwa katika jiko hilo ni kwamba linatumia sana joto katika kuivisha vyakula  badala ya moto”amesema Swai.

TaTEDO kwa kushirikiana na Mfuko wa Uhifadhi wa Mazingira Duniani (WWF) wanatekeleza mradi wa Mpito wa Nishati nchini  ambapo waliandaa warsha kwa wanahabari juu ya nishati jadidifu ikiwa na lengo la kuwaongezea uwezo juu ya nishati hiyo (Renewable Energy)katika kulinda na kuhifadhi mazingira.

Waandishi kutoka vyombo mbalimbali vya habari wengi wao kutoka Chama cha Waandishi wa Habari za Mazingira Tanzania (JET) kikiongozwa na Mkurugenzi wake John Chikomo wameishukuru TaTEDO kwa kuandaa mafunzo hayo ambayo yamewasaidia kugundua teknolojia mbalimbali ambazo ikiwa zitatumiwa na wananchi wengi basi zitasaidia juhudi za serikali katika utunzaji wa mazingira kwa manufaa ya vizazi vya sasa na vijavyo.

SESCOM Pressure Cooker win 1st for the 2020 Electric Pressure Cooker Competition

  • Category: News
  • Published: Wednesday, 10 March 2021 09:18
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 2366
Global LEAP Awards Announced SESCOM Pressure Cooker a winner for the 2020 Electric Pressure Cooker Competition published early this morning US EST time
Congratulations again on being named one of the 13 Winners and Finalists!

Global LEAP Awards Announces Results for the 2020 Electric Pressure Cooker Competition

The 2020 Global LEAP Awards Electric Pressure Cooker Competition presents the first-ever rigorous performance assessment of EPCs designed explicitly for use in underserved areas, filling a major gap in market intelligence.

The Efficiency for Access Coalition is excited to announce the results of the inaugural Global LEAP Awards for electric pressure cookers (EPCs). The competition identified 13 best-in-class, affordable, energy-efficient EPCs that are appropriate for use in underserved markets, including weak-grid areas where grid connections are intermittent and of inconsistent quality, as well as areas where energy comes from small-scale solar systems or mini-grids.

Tatedo win 1st for the 2020 Electric Pressure Cooker CompetitionApproximately 3 billion people globally lack access to modern cooking technology and instead rely on burning biomass. According to the WHO, an estimated 4 million premature deaths resulting from indoor air pollution associated with biomass cooking occur globally per year. EPCs are a new generation of electric cooking technology that offers an alternative to biomass cookstoves while presenting a long-term solution to biomass fuel-driven environmental degradation and a viable path towards total eradication of indoor air pollution. For women, EPCs can reduce the time spent collecting fuel and unlock time for other responsibilities and income-generating or educational opportunities.

“We are excited to support the EPC Competition and fund innovative solutions to scale the global e-cooking market across Africa and Asia,” said Professor Ed Brown, MECS Research Director. “By promoting early innovators, we are encouraging manufacturers to enter the largely untapped market for efficient electric cooking appliances and accelerate the transition from harmful biomass cooking to modern, clean, and energy-efficient alternative cooking devices.”

The 2020 Global LEAP Awards Electric Pressure Cooker Competition presents the first-ever rigorous performance assessment of EPCs designed explicitly for use in underserved areas, filling a major gap in market intelligence. The competition, supported by UK aid’s Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) and Low Energy Inclusive Appliances (LEIA) programmes, received 40 product nominations from 15 companies in 8 countries and Hong Kong.

Detailed information about the 3 Winners and 10 Finalists—including product performance data and sales contact information—is available in the newly published 2020 Global LEAP Awards Electric Pressure Cooker Buyer’s Guide. The Buyer’s Guide presents a selection of laboratory test results that will help market stakeholders better understand the drivers of EPC performance, as well as compare the performance of different EPCs across three size categories. The Global LEAP Awards identifies one Winner within each category as the best overall product, with other high-quality products within the same category identified as Finalists. The following products were identified as Winners in their respective categories:

  • Small AC Power: Solageo SOL-EPC-25L
  • Medium AC Power: SESCOM MY-CJ6001W
  • Large AC Power: Instant Pot DUO 80

"As minigrid developers seeking to support our customers' transition to clean cooking, PowerGen is all too familiar with the challenges of sourcing efficient, high-quality cooking appliances for frontier markets,” states Kevin Schreiber, Senior Customer Success Associate at PowerGen Renewable Energy. “We are excited for the release of Global LEAP Awards resources to support the sector and to enable us to better understand the landscape of suppliers and technical specifications for EPCs. This will help all of us in the industry provide better quality cooking services to minigrid customers."

In addition to the three category Winners, two products stood out based on their design and performance in critical areas that represent risks to market adoption: affordability and energy performance. To reward and support continued innovation in these critical areas, the 2020 EPC Competition also included two $50,000 innovation prizes:

  • The Affordability Prize was awarded to BURN MY-8001 model from BURN Manufacturing Co. for providing the best overall value to end-users based on the unit price, estimated operating costs, overall performance, and cooking capacity.
  • The Energy Performance Prize was awarded to Aufla 5L model from Atvantic Electronics Pvt Ltd. for best energy performance, which reflects low total energy consumption and high energy efficiency.

The Competition is also conducting usability testing in Nairobi, Kenya to provide further insights into the compatibility of each model with the needs and aspirations of everyday cooks. Innovation prizes totaling $100,000 will be awarded to models that offer particularly innovative design features and an exceptional user experience following the conclusion of the usability testing in mid-2021.


Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) is a five-year programme funded by UK Aid (DFID) which aims to spark a revolution through rapidly accelerating the transition from biomass to clean cooking on a global scale. By integrating modern energy cooking services into energy planning, MECS looks to leverage investment in renewable energies (particularly regarding electricity access, both grid and off-grid) to address the clean cooking challenge. Modern energy cooking is Tier 5 clean cooking, and therefore MECS also supports new innovations in other relevant cooking fuels such as biogas, LPG (bio) and ethanol. The intended outcome is a market-ready range of innovations (technology and business models) that lead to improved choice of affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy cooking services for consumers. We seek to have the MECS principles adopted in the SDG 7.1 global tracking framework and hope that participating countries will incorporate modern energy cooking services in energy policies and planning.

For more information, visit www.mecs.org.uk or follow us @UKMECS on Twitter.

The Global LEAP Awards is an international competition to identify and promote the world’s best off-grid appliances, accelerating market development and innovation. This unique program has evolved into a trusted global brand that serves as the de facto source of accurate, actionable information about the quality and energy performance of off-grid appliances, with support from UK aid and MECS, in partnership with the Efficiency for Access Coalition.

For more information, visit www.globalleapawards.org or follow @LEAP_Awards on Twitter.

Why Fake Solar Equipment Challenge to Energy Sector Development Initiatives

  • Category: News
  • Published: Saturday, 26 October 2019 16:47
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 1556

Electrification connection rate has grown from 10 percent in 2007 to 36 percent in 2015. Speaking to this paper on Tuesday this week Rural Energy Agency’s (REA) Technical Assistance Manager Eng Gissima Nyamo-Hanga said that those figures are expected to reach 75 percent by 2025 and 100 percent by 2030, a year set aside globally for sustainable energy for all. 

Read more: Why Fake Solar Equipment Challenge to Energy Sector Development Initiatives

Off-grid digest for June 19

  • Category: News
  • Published: Saturday, 26 October 2019 16:59
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 1637

Tanzania primed for micro and off-grid projects, new on and off-grid inverter and other African opportunities. A fortnight’s off-grid news, curated by specialist editor Pete Carvill.The African Development Bank (ADB) released a comprehensive report on the renewable energy market in Tanzania.

The report, titled Renewable Energy in Africa: Tanzania Profile, outlines the factors that the NGO believe give it great potential for a huge off-grid market. Among its findings, report the authors, is that, “The vastness of the country coupled with low population density makes grid extension too expensive for many difficult-to-reach areas. This, in turn, creates significant market potential for off-grid electrification schemes that could be implemented with the participation of small power producers (SPPs).”

Read more: Off-grid digest for June 19

One Million Solar Homes,’ Tanzanian Style

  • Category: News
  • Published: Saturday, 26 October 2019 16:13
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 1663

The East African country of Tanzania, in an effort led by startup Off-Grid Electric, along with the support of the international development community, just set a goal of having “One Million Solar Homes” by the end of 2017. The campaign hopes to furnish solar electricity for 10 percent of the nation’s population and generate over 15,000 solar jobs.

Read more: One Million Solar Homes,’ Tanzanian Style